Directed by Park Beom Soo, “Victory” is a youth film starring Hyeri, Park Se Wan, Lee Jung Ha, Jo Aram and others. The film depicts the story of Geoje Commercial High School’s cheerl
Directed by Park Beom Soo, “Victory” is a youth film starring Hyeri, Park Se Wan, Lee Jung Ha, Jo Aram and others. The film depicts the story of Geoje Commercial High School’s cheerl
Directed by Park Beom Soo, “Victory” is a youth film starring Hyeri, Park Se Wan, Lee Jung Ha, Jo Aram and others. The film depicts the story of Geoje Commercial High School’s cheerl
“Prosecutor Jin’s Victory” is a story about a prosecutor named Jin Jung (EXO’s D.O.) who is armed with bad manners and delinquency. He breaks down the sanctuaries created by we
“Prosecutor Jin’s Victory” is a story about a prosecutor named Jin Jung (EXO’s D.O.) who is armed with bad manners and delinquency. He breaks down the sanctuaries created by we
The new poster that closely resembles a scene from a comic book captures Jin Jung’s chaotic side as a prosecutor like no other. Jin Jung poses with disheveled hair and a wooden sword, and he wea