The Bequeathed (2024) K Drama Episode 3

Jan 25, 2024

Episode 3 of The Bequeathed starts with the detectives questioning Young-ho for the blood smeared on Seo-ha’s door. Young-ho says he visited his sister and placed a talisman for her sake.

Young-ho says the Samjaebu talisman stops disasters by using chicken blood to drive away evil spirits. His sister has had a string of misfortunes lately because the evil spirits are undermining her, but Seo-ha does not believe that Young-ho’s actions were not ill-intended.

Young- ho acknowledges that using blood to draw the talisman would have made her sister scared since her husband just died and realises there were other ways he could have tried to protect her. During questioning, Seo-ha discloses that as a little girl, she remembers seeing her father with a hunting rifle, and coincidentally, it happened to be around 30 years ago.

Sang-min rushes out to question Young-ho about his father’s rifle, and he says he never saw him with one and asks the detectives to check his house if they do not believe him. Sang-min thinks Young-ho knows something about the rifle, so he asks Detective Jung-hyun to tail him. 

Outside the police station, Young-ho tries to talk to Seo-ha but locks herself in the car and drives off when Sung-jun asks to speak with him. Sung-jun asks Young-ho about his family history and tries to get why his surname is Kim while Seo-ha’s is Yoon.

Consequently, nobody knows about Young-ho’s mother because Seo-ha’s father was married to Seo-ha’s mother until his death. Sung-jun also wonders why Young-ho’s name is not included in the family registry. 

Seo-ha arrives at school with more bad news as there is news on the school website saying that Seo-ha ghostwrites Professor Kim’s book. She calls Professor Kim, and he is furious about the news since he was called to the Dean’s office.

Seo-ha confronts Professor Han about the post, but she claims she had nothing to do with it. He claims that Seo-ha made the post as a payback to Professor Kim for not recommending her for the promotion. 

Elsewhere, the private investigator meets up with Seo-ha again to convince her to buy the house as soon as possible. On the phone, the proprietor tells him that he must make Seo-ha buy the building, or it will be on auction.

The private investigator, Hon-sik, tells the property owner, Mool-joo, to give him time to convince Seo-ha since she has a lot on her mind and is not thinking straight. Seo-ha asks Hong-sik to look into Young-ho and search for the rifle she believes is in his house.

Sung-jun then questioned her at the university about anything she remembers about her father and recorded the conversation. Meanwhile, Jung-hyun is still on Young-ho’s tail, and he sees two men giving him some money at a bar. 

Later that night, Seo-ha tracks down Professor Kim while drinking with friends, and he tries to make a move on her. Professor Han witnesses the interaction and uses it to humiliate Seo-ha, saying that she is the Professor’s mistress. She suggests that Seo-ha quit working at the university so that her reputation will not be ruined.

Seo-ha reaches a breaking point and goes berserk at the drinking party, throwing a drink on Professor Han’s face, throwing things off the table, and breaking bottles on the walls before storming out. 

Hong-sik goes snooping into Young-ho’s house and finds a lot of Shaman stuff all over it. He snubs around and finds some bloody clothes, a stack of money he pockets, and a photo album including children from Pureun Children’s home.

Sung-jun also finds a name registry form for Young-ho from the same children’s home. Sung-jun searches for temples around the children’s home and finds a monk who is also a shaman. 

Hong-sik finds a picture in a hidden notebook in the house, which makes him rush out, startled. At the end of the episode, a mysterious person murders him and performs some shaman rituals on his dead body before putting him in the back of his car and driving off from the compound. 

The Episode Review

Is Young-ho the killer? This episode provides some details about the mysterious killer when he performs a ritual on Hong-sik’s body, and the only other person we have seen performing rituals is Young-ho. How is the shaman religion connected to the story? Are the killings related to the piece of land Seo-ha inherited and the golf course project?

The episode seems to keep drifting away from the premise given in episode 1, and the mysteries keep piling up. The viewers have no idea what is happening in the recent episodes or the reason behind it.

Is Mool-joo connected to either the murders or the golf course project? The show needs to start providing significant backstories in the next episodes. 


