Suran Expresses Gratitude For Support After Sharing Story About Her Battle With Breast Cancer

Apr 19, 2019

Suran has expressed her gratitude after receiving numerous messages of support regarding her battle with breast cancer.
On April 18, the singer shared a photo of herself smiling brightly on her Instagram and wrote, “So many people sent me their support so.. I’m surprised. Thank you. I’m thankful to have had the opportunity to share this story, and I’m gaining strength from the support I’ve received. I think I’ve become more courageous !! To be honest, I’ve been wanting to live a more honest life, so I’m currently practicing. Even if it’s lacking, I’m happy and proud to walk step-by-step towards making my life and music.”
She continued, “For me, I’m in a sort of calm state of mind [towards the incident], but it’s amazing and touching that my confession has encouraged and comforted others. (Thank you to those who shared their personal, difficult stories with me through messages) I was a bit worried that I shared the message without needing to. I hope that the world becomes one of more support and hugs, and I will continue to be a musician who brightly struts forward, pushing through the difficulties.”
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많은 분들이 응원 주셔서..놀라고있어요 감사합니다. 이런 이야기를 할 기회가 있었다는데에 감사할 정도로 , 주신 응원에 힘이 나고, 더 큰 용기가 생긴 것 같아요 !! 사실 요즘 솔직한 인생을 살고싶어서 연습중이에요. 부족해도 한스텝 한스텝 음악과 나의 삶을 만들어 가는게 즐겁고 뿌듯합니다. 저에겐 어느정도 담담해진 마음이지만, 저의 고백이 누군가에게 용기가 되고 위로가 되었다는게 신기하고 감동이예요. (개인적인 어려운 이야기 메세지로 나눠주신 분들께도 정말 감사드립니다) 조금은 괜히 얘기한걸까 하고 걱정하는 마음 있었거든요. 조금더 응원하고 안아주는 세상이 되길바라면서, 앞으로도 더 밝게 앞으로 뚜벅뚜벅 헤쳐나가는 음악하는 수란이 되겠습니다.😊 . . . . #그리고한가지만..ㅜ#얼쑤란tv업로드가늦어지고있어서정말미안합니다😭그치만준비하고있음을공지드리면서#조금만더기다려주소서🙆🏼‍♀️#편집자아파요🥴😅

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Previously, on the April 16 episode of “Video Star,” Suran shared publicly for the first time that she had surgery due to breast cancer. During the episode, she remarked, “I’m able to talk about it now because I’m managing it well and there isn’t a concern.”
Source: Soompi
Tags: #Suran;

