'Spring Night': Han Ji Min - Jung Hae In prepare to film this month, scheduled for May on air

Mar 7, 2019


According to the exclusive Sportchosun report in the past few days, the Spring Night drama project of MBC will begin filming this month.



It is known that the film is attracting all audiences' attention when it was a new product by director Ahn Pan Seok and screenwriter Kim Eun. Both collaborated and contributed significantly to the success of JTBC's 'Something in the Rain', released last May.



Spring Night: Han Ji Min  Jung Hae In tức tốc đổi tạo để đóng cặp với nhau, tháng 5 phim lên sóng


According to confirmed reports, actress Han Ji Min and Jung Hae In have accepted to act as main actors. Meanwhile, recently Kim Joon Han and Joo Min Kyung also announced their appearance in the project with a supporting role. This is a melodrama story about the love story of the librarian and the main pharmacist who falls in love after a meeting.



Spring Night: Han Ji Min  Jung Hae In tức tốc đổi tạo để đóng cặp với nhau, tháng 5 phim lên sóng



Spring Night: Han Ji Min  Jung Hae In tức tốc đổi tạo để đóng cặp với nhau, tháng 5 phim lên sóng





