SP: The Motion Picture Kakumei Hen

SP: The Motion Picture Kakumei Hen

For the last 2 months the members of #4 security service at the Metropolitan Police Department attempts to discover the identity of the criminal responsible for targeting Japan's Chief Cabinet Secretary. The members also carry out their daily missions. Inoue Kaoru is tormented by his distrust of Ogata Soichiro. Meanwhile, the chief secretary of the ruling party Date Kunio and elite bureaucrats have a secret meeting. To uncover Ogata's next move, who is connected to Date and elite bureaucrats, Tanaka begins to investigate. Around that time, Inoue is assigned as a guard for the national assembly by Ogata. The #4, new members of the #4, politician Date Kunio are there while a mysterious terrorist group gathers also at the assembly. When the assembly is about to pass a vote of no confidence in the cabinet, Ogata begins to move and there is gunshots heard in the assembly.
Released: 2011
Genres: ["Action","Thriller"]
Country: Japan
Status: Complete
