

Tae Gun Ho is the best collection agent in his firm, admired by his colleagues and dreaded by those he visits. He’s known for gathering his debts by any means necessary and keeps a cattle prod handy while on the job. Following a series of unexpected fainting spells, Tae is told by a doctor that he has liver cancer and would need a transplant to have any chance of surviving beyond three months. And so he puts his professional skills to work, setting out to collect a different sort of debt by tracking down the recipients of organs donated by his late son. First among his sources for a liver is Cha Ha Yeon, a beguiling fraudster with a long list of enemies. Locating Cha turns out to be easy since she’s about to be released from prison. The deal she proposes, however, which includes getting even with the sleazy crime boss who set her up, jeopardizes Tae’s future. He struggles desperately to keep Cha, and her liver, safe until the transplant — even while Cha has other plans.
Released: 2011
Genres: ["drama","crime"]
Country: Korea
Status: Complete
