Lost You Forever (2023) Episode 38

Sep 3, 2023

Wen Xiaoliu suppressed too many thoughts, went out alone to relax, and slowly climbed up the mountain path to Zijinding. Every step she took, she could remember the past. By the time she was halfway up the mountain, she was exhausted and slumped on the stone steps. . Xuanxuan came to Wen Xiaoliu's side, comforted her and poured out her distress, and encouraged her to learn to strive for things other than life and death. It was also inspired by Xuanxuan that Wen Xiaoliu wanted him to arrange a marriage for herself, on the premise that the other party would treat her wholeheartedly and never marry another woman, Xuanxuan readily agreed.

The five kings and the seven kings jointly impeached Xuanxuan to King Xiyan, affirming that Xuanxuan formed a party in the Central Plains for personal gain and cultivated power, which not only aroused the dissatisfaction of the old Xiyan clans, but also offended some Central Plains clans. The king of Xiyan did not make a statement on this, but temporarily decided to visit the Central Plains in the east, climbed the Zijinding to worship the Emperor of Heaven, specially appointed Xiyan Deyan as the special envoy of the east tour, and Xiyan Yuyang and General Yinglong stayed in Xiyan City to assist Manage state affairs.

After leaving Xiyan City, King Xiyan's tiger and wolf army patrolled all the way to Zezhou City, entertained all the clans in the Central Plains, and reminded them that as long as the Xiyan army is there, the Central Plains will be able to maintain peace. The moon of Jichun is when all the flowers are in full bloom, and all the major clans have received invitations to enjoy the flowers and have fun. Only King Xiyan turned a blind eye to Xuanxuan who came to serve him, and blocked him from the door repeatedly.

King Haoling sensed that the situation was critical, and he did not hesitate to expose the secret work hidden in the Central Plains, and ordered them to quickly take Wen Xiaoliu and Anian back to Haoling. However, Wen Xiaoliu resolutely refused, and told Li Shou to take Ah Nian back first, and she wanted to stay and accompany Xuan Xuan to advance and retreat together. Xuanxuan does not have enough confidence to deal with this crisis, so Wen Xiaoliu thinks that she should not leave Xuanxuan now, not to mention that she is completely different from her mother. King Yan dared to ruthlessly deal with himself and Xuanxuan, and it would be his revenge.

For several days, King Xiyan held a banquet in Zezhou for his guests. On the other hand, Xuanxuan kept his duty and supervised the craftsmen to renovate the palace, but he didn't expect disaster for himself. Xiyan Deyan recruited a member of the Ruoshui tribe to frame Xuanxuan, and pretended to be an assassin to assassinate King Xiyan. Everyone agreed, which made King Xiyan even more suspicious of Xuanxuan, and ordered someone to send an order to find him.

Seeing the completion of the preliminary plan, Xi Yan Deyan met with Xiang Liu alone, and told him to lead people to ambush around, and make sure that Xuanxuan never returns. Xuanxuan knew that going to see King Xiyan was like a sheep entering a tiger's mouth, but he didn't want to bear unwarranted charges, and he didn't want to see his cronies buried with him, so he decided to go to Zezhou alone.

Wen Xiaoliu insisted on staying with Xuanxuan, even if Xuanxuan said harsh words, she would not change her mind. On the other side, Tu Shanjing and Chishui Fenglong were worried about Xuanxuan's situation and tried every means to get him out. When they heard the news that Wen Xiaoliu was traveling with them, they resolutely went to see King Xiyan first. Because of this, Chenrong Xinyue became timid, and wanted to stop her elder brother to no avail, and she saw Xuanxuan in trouble for Mingzhe's safety.

Before Xuanxuan arrived in Zezhou City, Tu Shanjing and Chishui Fenglong had already gone to find King Xiyan, and they were arranged by him in the side hall. Soon the two heard the voices of Wen Xiaoliu and Xuanxuan, Xiyan Deyan led the old clan to accuse Xuanxuan of hiring murderers to assassinate, Wen Xiaoliu argued for Xuanxuan, and Xiyan Deyan had nothing to say , In the end, King Xiyan decided that this matter had nothing to do with Xuanxuan.

The king of Xiyan raised a question in public, that is, if they become the king of Xiyan, how will they deal with the Central Plains clan. Xiyan Deyan flattered and responded according to the meaning of King Xiyan. Only Xuanxuan held a different view and said that he would treat the Central Plains clan as his people. Even if Nuwa and Emperor Fuxi were alive, they would definitely have the same choice. Since ancient times Since then, whether it is Xiyan or Central Plains, they have always been inseparable.

Everyone thought that Xuanxuan's words would anger King Xiyan, but they didn't expect that King Xiyan didn't care about it, and Chishui Fenglong admired and worshiped Xuanxuan even more. When Wen Xiaoliu and Xuanxuan successfully resolved the crisis and were about to leave, they met the man in black who had already ambushed him. Wen Xiaoliu remained calm in times of danger, and cooperated with Xuan Xuan to defend each other. Because of her limited spiritual power, she could only shoot three arrows. Seeing this, Xiang Liu lamented that the disciples of the church starved to death of the master. For Wen Xiaoliu's sake, let it go for now. Xuan Xuan.

Wen Xiaoliu's first two arrows resisted the man in black's attack, and the last arrow shot directly at King Xiyan's palace with the help of Xuanxuan's spiritual power. Tu Shanjing realized that something was wrong, and immediately took Chishui Fenglong to leave. On the way, he heard that Wen Xiaoliu and Xuanxuan were safe, and finally felt relieved.

After everyone left the palace of King Xiyan, they rested for a while by the side of the road. Xuanxuan thanked Tu Shanjing and Chishui Fenglong for their help, and noticed that Wen Xiaoliu and Tu Shanjing had a strange atmosphere. Back to the Central Plains. Chishui Fenglong bluntly said that he wanted to marry Wen Xiaoliu. Tu Shanjing knew that he had failed Wen Xiaoliu, and hoped that Chishui Fenglong could take good care of her for him.


